Books, articles and reports


Brown, D., Cunneen, C. and Russell, S. (2017) '"It's all about the Benjamins': Infringement notices and young people in NSW', Alternative Law Journal, 42(4), 253-260. 

Baldry, E., Briggs, D., Goldson, B and Russell, S. (2017) '"Cruel and unusual punishment': an inter-jurisdictional study of the criminalisation of young people with complex support needs', Journal of Youth Studies. 

Cunneen, C. (2017) 'Arguments for Raising the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility', Comparative Youth Penality Project Research Report, UNSW: Sydney. 

Cunneen, C. and Russell, S. (2017) 'Social Media, Vigilantism and Indigenous People in Australia', Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice.  

Cunneen, C., Goldson, B. and Russell, S. (2017) ‘Human Rights and Youth Justice Reform in England and Wales: A Systemic Analysis', Criminology and Criminal Justice

Baldry, E., and Russell, S. 2017 The Booming Industry Continued: Australian Prisons. A 2017 Update.


Cunneen, C., Goldson, B., and Russell, S. 2016 Juvenile Justice, Young People and Human Rights in Australia, Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 28(2), 173 – 189.

Cunneen, C 2016 'Abuse in youth detention is not restricted to the Northern Territory', The Conversation, 28 July 2016. 

Schwartz, M and Cunneen, C 2016 'Is a royal commision the best response to the NT juvenile justice crisis?', ABC News, 27 July 2016.

Schwartz, M and Cunneen, C 2016 'In Focus: is a royal commission the best response to the juvenile justice crisis?', LSJ: Law Society of New South Wales Journal, No. 26, 26 - 27. 

Cunneen, C 2016 'Police Violence: The Case of Indigenous Australians', in Sturmey, P (ed.) The Wiley Handbook on Violence and Aggression, John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey.


Baldry, E. McCausland, R. Dowse, L and McEntyre, E 2015, ‘A Predictable and Preventable Path: Aboriginal People with Mental and Cognitive Disabilities in the Criminal Justice System'. UNSW: Sydney.  

Baldry, E. Carlton, B. and Cunneen, C 2015, ‘Abolitionism and the Paradox of Penal Reform in Australia: Indigenous Women, Colonial Patriarchy, and Co-option', Social Justice, 41(3), pp. 168 - 189.

Baldry, E. McEntyre, E and McCausland, R 2015 'Why Aboriginal people with disabilities crowd Australia's prisons', The Conversation, 2 November.

McEntyre, E. Baldry, E and McCausland, R 2015 'Here's how we can stop puting Aboriginal people with disabilities in prison', The Conversation, 6 November.

McCausland, R. Baldry, E and McEntyre, E 2015 'Aboriginal people with disabilities get caught in a spiral of over-policing'The Conversation, 4 November.

Goldson, B and Cunneen, C 2015 'Restorative Justice? A Critical Analysis', in Goldson, B and Muncie, J (eds.) Youth Crime and Justice. Sage: London: UK, pp. 137 - 156.

White, R and Cunneen, C 2015 'Social Class, Youth Crime and Youth Justice', in Goldson, B and Muncie, J (eds.) Youth Crime and Justice. Sage: London: UK, pp. 17 - 30. 


Baldry, E 2014, ‘Disability at the margins: limits of the law', Griffith Law Review, 23(3).

Baldry, E 2014 'Complex needs and the justice system', in Chamberlain, C. Johnson, G and Robinson, C (eds.), Homelessness in Australia: an Introduction, UNSW Press: Sydney, pp. 196 - 212.

Goldson, B 2014, ‘We must do more to protect children in prison’, The Conversation,, 24 April.

Goldson, B 2014, ‘Youth justice in a changing Europe: crisis conditions and alternative visions’Perspectives on Youth (Council of Europe), vol. 1, no. 1. pp. 39-52.

Schwartz, M. and Cunneen, C 2014 'Redressing over-incarceration, addressing human rights: what can justice reinvestment do in Australia?' Right Now, 16 September 2014.

Schwartz, M. Cunneen, C and Allison, F  2014, 'Access to Justice for Aboriginal People in the Northern Territory, Australian Journal of Social Issues, 49(2), pp. 219 - 240.


Andrews, G & Baldry E 2013, ‘Mental health frequent presenters: Key concerns, case management approaches and policy and programme considerations for emergency services’, in Chappell, D (ed) Policing and the Mentally Ill: International Perspectives, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group: Florida, pp. 197-219.

Baldry, E 2013, ‘Continuing systemic discrimination: Indigenous Australian women exiting prison’, in Seagrave, M & Carlton, B (eds) Women Exiting Prison: Critical Essays on Gender, Post-Release Support and Survival, Routledge: New York, pp. 98-117.

Baldry, E & Dowse L 2013, ‘Compounding mental and cognitive disability and disadvantage: Police as care managers’, in Chappell, D (ed) Policing and the Mentally Ill: International Perspectives, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group: Florida, pp. 219-235.

Baldry, E, Clarence, M, Dowse, L & Trollor, J 2013, ‘Reducing vulnerability to harm in adults with cognitive disabilities in the Australian criminal justice system’, Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disability, special edition, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 222-229.

Baldry, E, McCausland, R, Johnson, S & Cohen, A 2013, ‘People with mental health and cognitive impairments in the criminal justice system: Cost benefit analysis of early intervention’, Australian Human Rights Commission.

Brown, D & Carlton, B 2013, ‘From 'secondary punishment' to supermax': The human costs of high-security regimes in Australia’, in Ross, J (ed) Globalization of Supermax Prisons, Rutgers University Press: New Jersey, pp. 95-111.

Carlton, B & Baldry E 2013, ‘From therapeutic correctional spaces to ‘Transcarceral Control’: Male-Centrism, evidence based orthodoxies and women’s post-release support in Australia’, in Seagrave, M & Carlton, B (eds) Women Exiting Prison: Critical Essays on Gender, Post-Release Support and Survival, Routledge: New York, pp. 56-77.

Church, R, Goldson, B & Hindley, N (eds) 2013, ‘Special Issue: The minimum age of criminal responsibility: Clinical, criminological/sociological, developmental and legal perspectives’, Youth Justice, August.

Goldson, B 2013, ‘Children, young people and the contemporary penal landscape: Reflections, prospects, policy and research’, in Dockley, A & Loader, I (eds) The Penal Landscape: The Howard League Guide to Criminal Justice in England and Wales, Routledge: London, pp. 189-218.


Goldson, B & Kilkelly, U 2013, ‘International human rights standards and child imprisonment: Potentialities and limitations’, International Journal of Children’s Rights.


McCausland, R & Baldry, E 2013, ‘Incarcerated Indigenous Australian mothers: Maintaining patriarchal colonization’, in Eljdupovic, G & Jaremko Bromwich, R (eds) Incarcerated Mothers: Oppression and Resistance, Demeter Press: Broadford, pp. 121–137.


Muncie, J & Goldson, B 2013, ‘Youth Justice: In a child’s best interests?’, in Simon, J & Sparks, R (eds) Handbook of Punishment and Society, Sage: London, pp. 341-355.