Other Policy Initiatives/Documents

Aboriginal Offenders Action Plan for TAFE NSW Provision and Post Release Pathways 2008 - 2012

The Department has recently suggested that it is successfully meeting the educational and training needs of Aboriginal offenders as follows. (1)   The Department delivers a range of educational and vocational programs in NSW correctional centres, which target Aboriginal offenders. These programs range from basic literacy and numeracy courses delivered through the Departments Adult Education Vocational Training Institute (AEVTI), a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), through to intensive vocational training delivered by qualified departmental staff and TAFE.  The delivery of basic educational and vocational training courses to offenders has also been supported and strengthened through the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the NSW Department of Corrective Services and TAFE NSW.  A 2008-2011 memorandum of understanding is currently being negotiated.  

Under this MOU, the NSW DCS and TAFE NSW have jointly developed the Aboriginal Offenders Action Plan for TAFE NSW Provision and Post Release Pathways 2008 - 2012, (2) which will enable Indigenous offenders to more readily access post release vocational education and employment pathways to further strengthen educational and employment outcomes for Indigenous offenders.   This Action Plan builds on the TAFE NSW Provision for Aboriginal Offenders Implementation Plan 2004-2005.  Its key result areas are:

  1. Increase enrolments and completions of Aboriginal offenders participating in TAFE vocational, educational and training provison while in custody

Key strategies include ensuring that TAFE provision in correctional centres is informed by each offender's educational profile; integrating TAFE provision for Aboriginal offenders with work undertaken in corrections industries and work release programs; and increase access to the Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme. 

  1. Strengthen post release vocational education and employment pathways for Aboriginal offenders

Key strategies include ensuring that such pathways are relevant to Aboriginal people; and ensuring effective program transfer arrangements from correctional centres to TAFE colleges and campuses.

  1. Strengthen protocols, processes and collaborative links between key stakeholders

Key strategies include establishing Regional Aboriginal Reference Groups and establishing a communication action plan that will underpin the key strategies of the Aboriginal Offenders Plan.

  1. Ensure effective monitoring and evaluation of this Action Plan

In 2005/06 a monthly average of 747 Aboriginal offenders were enrolled in education and vocational training programs in correctional centres across NSW.  This number of Aboriginal participants constituted 24.5% of the total population of all offenders participating in education and vocational training programs in correctional centres.  In 2006/07 a monthly average of 764 Aboriginal offenders were enrolled in education and vocational training programs in correctional centres.  This number of Aboriginal participants constituted 26% of the total population of offenders who participated in education and vocational training programs.  In 2005/06, Aboriginal offenders enrolled in Aboriginal specific educations programs taught by NSW DCS employed Aboriginal teachers, successfully completed a total of 139 modules at Certificate I & II levels. In 2006/07 the number of modules completed by Aboriginal offenders/students increased to 347.


1. Ronald Timbery, Senior Project Officer (Support and Planning), Aboriginal Support and Planning Unit, Department of Corrective Services (NSW), email 9 July 2008

2. NSW Corrective Services, (2008) Aboriginal Offenders Action Plan for TAFE NSW Provision and Post-Release Pathways 2008-2012