Bibliographic links

Bodna, B (1980) ‘Trends in Correctional Practice.' Paper delivered at a Meeting of the Medico-Legal Society held at the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, Melbourne, 11th October, 1980.

Brown, M (2005) ‘Corrections', in Issues in Australian Crime and Criminal Justice, D Chappell & P Wilson (eds), pp. 101-138. Sydney: LexisNexis Butterworths.

Community Correctional Services (2008), Alcohol and Drug Strategy, Department of Justice, Victorian Government.

Corrections Victoria (2005) Better pathways: An integrated response to women's offending and re-offending, Department of Justice, Victorian Government.
- Better pathways report card
- Better pathways evaluation

Corrections Victoria (2009), Correctional Management Standards for Women Serving Community Correctional Orders, Department of Justice, Victorian Government.

Daly, T ‘Policy Overview and Framework for Prison Privatisation in Victoria.' Paper presented at the AIC Criminology Conference, Privatisation and Public Policy: A Correctional Case Study, Melbourne, 16& 17 June, 1997.

Edney, R (2001) ‘Judicial deference to the expertise of correctional administrators: The implications for prisoners' rights.' Australian Journal of Human Rights, 5.

Freiberg, A & Ross, S (1999) Sentencing Reform and Penal Change: The Victorian Experience. Sydney: Federation Press.

Leivesley, S (1986) ‘Alternatives to Imprisonment', in The Australian Criminal Justice System: The Mid 1980s, D Chappell & P Wilson (eds), pp. 255-273. Sydney: Butterworths.

Report of the Women Prisoners and Offenders Advisory Committee (1991) Women prisoners and offenders: The agenda for change, Office of Corrections.

Vinson, T (1998) Victoria's Prisons from Solitude to Sociability: A Visitor's Guide to Pentridge Unlocked. Melbourne: Jesuit Social Services.

Wilson, P (1977) Delinquency in Australia: A Critical Appraisal. Queensland: University of Queensland Press.


Australian Bureau of Statistics
Old Castlemaine Gaol
Ombudsman Victoria
Victorian Department of Justice
Victorian Law Reform Commission